Calumet Park 9801 S. Ave G
Friendly Area Grand Opening in collaboration with the Chicago Park District and the Southeast Chicago Dog Committee.

*NEW BEGINNER’S OBEDIENCE CLASS* Starting Friday, JUNE 21 at 7:00 PM! For this first week of orientation, we ask that you don’t bring your dogs along so we can go over the training, tips, understanding your dog, what to bring with you, equipment you will need, and application forms. Classes are $10.00 per night for this 10 week course. AFTER this coming Friday’s orientation, all classes will be held on *WEDNESDAY* Nights, starting on July 3rd. Beginner Class will then be at 8:00 pm. Classes held at Calumet Park, 9800 Ave.G in the Fieldhouse Bocce Room. Hope to see you there! Serious Dog Training but don’t forget to also have some fun.