CAPS Safety Awareness and City Services/Tips


resize national night horse


 Pastor Onque’ Church Choir “Pray for Each Other” Healing

How to Survive (and Prevent) a Carjacking


Info Shared by Danielle Richards



Peer skill sharing workshops about gunshot wound, asthma, diabetes, and seizure first aid and community care.

Chicago Police Department

3rd District CAPS Community Organizer
Cottage Grove Ave, Chicago, IL 60637
(312) 747-8201

4th District CAPS Community Organizer
2255 E 103rd St, Chicago, IL 60617

(312) 747-8205

4th District Community Beat Meet Schedule

4th District Police Committee Meeting Schedule


NEW! Chicago Police Department’s Strategic Plan

Info Shared by Alderman Mitchell

Tips for Calling 911 and 311 – The Chicago Police Department provides Tips for Calling 911 and 311 in order for citizens to better understand what an emergency and non-emergency call entails.


604727Anonymously and SAFELY help rid your community of crime by sending tips to the Chicago Police Department via text message from your cellular device. This program is designed for residents who wish to digitally submit tips to CPD from their mobile phone (non-smartphone) using a text message instead of a mobile web browser.


Info Shared by Alderman Mitchell


Info Shared by Alderman Mitchell


Info Shared by Alderman Mitchell


Info Shared by Alderman Mitchell


Info Shared by Alderman Mitchell


Info Shared by Alderman Mitchell

Info Shared by Alderman Mitchell

Info Shared by Alderman Mitchell

How To Describe a Suspect:

To capture a criminal in these highly mobile times, it is of utmost importance for the police to promptly obtain an accurate description. Following are some of the most important identifiers the police need to apprehend criminal suspects. Keep this information in mind so that you can give the police an accurate description of any criminal or criminal incident you may observe.

Location information is critical:

  • Observe where you are and the exact location of the crime. Try to remember if you have ever seen the suspect in the area before.
  • Note the time as precisely as possible.
  • Observe if the suspect is carrying a weapon and, if so, what type-revolver, handgun, shotgun, knife, etc.
  • If the suspect leaves the scene, note the direction of flight.
  • If the suspect is in a vehicle, note as much of the following information as possible: vehicle type (auto, truck, van, etc.); color; make and model; condition (dirty, damaged, etc.); and license plate numbers.
  • Note also if the vehicle has no license plates or a “license applied for” sticker in the rear windshield.
  • Watch for decoys or accomplices.

A variety of general description information about the suspect should be noted:

  • Sex
  • Race or national origin
  • Age (estimated)
  • Height-use comparisons with your own height, a door, or some other standard measure
  • Weight (estimated)
  • Build-fat, husky, slim, muscular, etc.

Facial information is also important:

  • Hair-note the color, texture, hairline, style; also possible dyes or wigs
  • Forehead-note forehead height, and whether the skin is smooth, creased or wrinkled
  • Eyes-note the color, shape (round, slanted), whether clear or bloodshot, and the heaviness of eyelashes and eyebrows
  • Nose-overall shape (long, wide, flat, etc.) and nostrils (wide, narrow, flared) are important
  • Cheeks-is the flesh sunken, filled out, dried or oily? are there wrinkles around nose or mouth? are cheek bones high or low, wide or narrow?
  • Ears-note size and prominence (protruding or flat against head)
  • Mouth-are lips thin, medium, full? do corners turn up, turn down, or level?
  • Chin-what is the shape (round, oval, pointed, square)? double chin, dimpled, cleft?
  • Neck-note protruding Adam’s apple or hanging jowls
  • Complexion-note pores, pockmarks, acne, razor rash, bumps
  • Facial hair-clean shaven? unshaven? beard, mustache, goatee, sideburns?
  • Tattoos-shape and style; on what part of the body

Clothing information is also very important:

  • Hat-note color, style, ornaments, how it is worn (bill forward, backward, to one side)
  • Coat-note color and style (suit coat, jacket, topcoat, overcoat)
  • Shirt/Blouse/Dress-note color, design, sleeves, collar
  • Trousers/Slacks/Skirt-note color, style, cuffs
  • Socks-note color, pattern, length
  • Shoes-note color, style, brand name for sneakers (if possible), condition
  • Accessories-sweater, scarf, gloves, necktie
  • Jewelry-rings, watches, bracelets, necklaces
  • General appearance-neat or sloppy? clean or dirty?
  • Oddities-look for clothing too large or too small; odd colors; patchwork

Look for other physical features or peculiarities:

  • Voice-pitch, tone, rasp, lisp
  • Speech-articulate, uneducated, accent, use of slang
  • Gait-slow, fast, limp

You will never be able to remember all of these details about any one suspect you may see. But remembering as many as possible can be particularly helpful to the police and to your community.

How to Make by Neighborhood Safer by CAPS

While this list is not all inclusive, it may help you find projects that are the right fit for your issues. Always remember to include your local police in projects to address criminal activity in order to increase your chances of successfully addressing the problem.

Conduct a neighborhood canvas

The purpose of the canvass is to identify not only issues around your block that may need to be addressed, but also to identify resources, such as businesses, libraries, parks and community organizations, that can help your block club implement projects. When canvassing the area around your block, also talk to other residents to find out if there are other block clubs in the area that may be interested in doing joint projects.

Organize a neighborhood clean-up

Criminals are attracted to neighborhoods that appear dirty or unkempt. Regular clean-ups will deter criminal activity by bringing people out and visible on the street. The City, through the Clean and Green program, can loan your block club tools throughout the year to help you keep your block looking good. You can also use this as a way to meet all the neighbors on your block and get them involved.

Organize an alley numbering project

Alley numbers help speed response from police, fire and paramedics who under certain circumstances may need to respond through the alley. Alley numbers may be provided to groups by your local police district through a grant provided by the Allstate Foundation.

Establish a phone tree

A phone tree can provide a means for neighbors to first call 911 to request the police when a crime occurs and to then communicate among themselves. A phone tree lists residents according to their address and can be a rapid communication and reporting system for the block club.

Organize a neighborhood resource day

One good way to keep neighbors involved and active is to provide them with new information about programs around the City. The City of Chicago’s Speakers Bureau can provide speakers from various City Departments on a wide range of programs. Other suggestions for speakers could include local health service providers to provide information on health and nutrition topics or local hardware stores to provide home improvement tips.

Work on problem buildings

One bad building can ruin a whole block; one bad store can ruin a whole neighborhood, but you and your neighbors can help make a real difference when it comes to problem buildings. By working with police and other City Departments, you can help hold landlords or store owners accountable for criminal or nuisance activity that may be occurring on their property.

Start a neighborhood garden

Beautification efforts make the neighborhood more pleasing for everyone and, again, are a deterrent to crime. Gardens could be planted on vacant lots, in the parkway or in traffic circles. You might also consider a vegetable garden, allowing all the neighbors to share the fresh produce throughout the summer. Don’t forget–recruit young people in your neighborhood to help maintain and care for the garden. The City can provide training and assistance to groups who want to start a garden through the Greencorps program.

Become a Court Advocate

Often criminals go free because victims and witnesses are afraid to go to court. By volunteering with your Police District’s court advocacy group, you can provide vital support to victims and witnesses. Attending court or administrative hearing proceedings also shows judges that the community is concerned about an issue and visibly demonstrates the impact crime has on you and your neighbors.

Organize field trips

Too often, Chicagoans don’t take advantage of the nationally and internationally recognized cultural and educational attractions that draw tourists to the City by the millions. From museums to architecture to historic parks and facilities, your group should take advantage of these opportunities throughout Chicago’s neighborhoods. Many museum passes can be obtained free of charge from your local library.


Block parties are a Chicago tradition throughout the summer, but you don’t have to confine your celebrations to just one day. Smaller events can be easily organized throughout the year.


City’s Animal Care and Control Urges Public to Vaccinate Pets After Three Raccoons Found With Distemper Virus – Offers low cost vaccine clinics to protect pets

The Choking Game – Children are playing a potentially deadly game which can result in death or a near-death experience. Learn how to recognize the signs.

Spring/Summer Safety Tips – With the onset of spring and the upcoming summer season, offenders use this time as an opportunity to commit confidence crimes and burglaries for financial gain. The Chicago Police Department is offering the following information to help safeguard against these crimes.

Reporting Illegal Parties – Be aware of the possible indicators of an illegal party taking place within your community.

4th Of July Safety Tips

Alley Safety Tips – The City of Chicago offers residents alley safety tips such as how to secure their garages, back doors and gates.

Animal Cruelty – Animal fighting is one of the cruelest forms of animal abuse and is almost always connected with other criminal activities such as gambling, gang activity, drug trafficking and animal theft.

ATM Safety – Automatic teller machines (ATMs) have revolutionized the personal banking industry, providing unprecedented ease and convenience. But they have also created new opportunities for thieves and robbers. Here are some tips to keep you and your money secure while conducting all types of banking transactions.

Building Blocks for a Safer Neighborhood – The Chicago Police Department partners with the community to provide residents with some practical tips for building safer neighborhoods block by block.

Business Tips – These Business Tips are designed to help ensure that your business is an active partner in the City’s efforts to improve the quality of life in all of Chicago’s neighborhoods.

Child Safety Tips – Kids, here are some tips on what you should always do and never do to stay safe.

Halloween Safety Tips – Halloween is supposed to be a day of fun for all children, and by practicing some of these basic safety tips you can ensure yours is safe and enjoyable.

Holiday Safety Tips – Unfortunately, many criminals choose the holiday season to attack unsuspecting victims, which is why CAPS is offering these Holiday Safety Tips to help keep your holiday season safe.

Hot Weather Safety – Extreme heat and high humidity can be dangerous to anyone, but particularly to the elderly, infants, and young children, persons with disabilities and people on medication for chronic health problems. Here are some common sense tips for handling the heat

Personal Safety Tips – These Personal Safety Tips can lessen your chance of being a victim by making you more aware of possible offenders around you.

Safe and Sound – The City of Chicago provides safety tips such as being alert, following your instincts, and walking in numbers whenever possible so that you can recognize and avoid potential threats and always remain Safe and Sound.

Safe Building Tips for Landlords – The Chicago Police Department has enacted an ordinance to help deal with problem and abandoned buildings and provide Safe Building Tips for Landlords.

Safe Building Tips for Residents – The Chicago Police Department has enacted an ordinance to inform residents that they are vital to preventing the negative impact bad buildings have on the community by offering these Safe Building Tips for Residents.

School Safety Tips – These School Safety Tips can help keep our children, our schools and our neighborhoods safe.

Signs of Dogfighting: How to Spot It – Common signs of dogfighting and what you should do if you observe them.

Spring Cleanup Tips – The following Spring Cleanup Tips should help you build a cleaner and safer community this season and throughout the year.

Summer Safety Tips – To help you have a safe as well as enjoyable summer, the Chicago Police Department encourages you to keep the following Summer Safety Tips in mind.

What To Do If Stopped by the Police – These tips help to inform residents how dangerous the law enforcement profession is and that even though some of the safety procedures officers use may seem unnecessary, they are done to ensure both your safety.


Info Forward by Alderman Mitchell, 7th Ward:


Info Forward by Alderman Hairston, 5th Ward:




The Chicago Police Department created the TXT2TIP program so that YOU can anonymously and SAFELY help rid your community of crime by sending information to the Chicago Police Department via a text message from your cellular phone. Follow these easy steps to submit a tip via text message:
1. Create a new text message or SMS text on your cellular phone
2. Enter the number 274637 (CRIMES) in the “TO” line
3. In the message box, type the word CPD, a space, and then your crime tip information
4. Hit “send” to send the text message You will automatically receive a system generated message back on your cell phone acknowledging your tip.
Your identity will not be sent to the Chicago Police Department.


For more information on TXT2TIP, please visit the Chicago Police Department website at
*The cash reward is provided by Cook County Crime Stoppers for information leading to an arrest.

The Chicago Police Department created the TXT2TIP program so that YOU can anonymously and SAFELY help rid your community of crime by sending information to the Chicago Police Department via a text message from your cellular phone. Click the link above for more information. TXT2TIP Flyer
TXT2TIP allows the public to send tips (including pictures, video or audio) via text message about criminal activity to the Chicago Police Department from any cell phone. Cook County Crime Stoppers is offering up to $1,000 dollars for information leading to arrests.TXT2TIP Brochure

TXT2TIP allows the public to send tips (including pictures, video or audio) via text message about criminal activity to the Chicago Police Department from any cell phone. Cook County Crime Stoppers is offering up to $1,000 dollars for information leading to arrests.

Click on Links to view CAPS Safety Flyers (left click to Enlarge):

Ongoing Meeting:  143px-Chicagopd jpg w300h294
Police Board Town Hall Meeting


Info Forward by Kim Milton, Nextdoor Saginaw


Safe Passage Program offered by
Black United Fund (South Shore Area)773-324-0494
Claretian Associates (South Chicago Area) 773-734-9181



10 rules


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