Learn from Dr. Jifunza Wright of Black Oaks about medical tea and elixir preparations. We will learn how to use blooms, leaves and roots for healing and well being.
South Chicago Farm
9000 S Mackinaw Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
Price: Sliding Scale, suggested $75*.
Led by Dr. Jifunza Wright of Black Oaks
Jifunza C.A. Wright Carter M.D., M.P.H. is a family physician, a public health advocate, a mother and cofounder of the Healthy Food Hub along with her husband, Fred Carter. Boarded in holistic integrative medicine, healthy food is frontline therapy in her 13 year 3000 plus patient based practice. With the economic downturn, Dr. Wright-Carter has been able to approach her higher healing quest: to facilitate families and communities in becoming healthier. After collectively buying food with her patients for many years, the Healthy Food Hub was born from Trinity market goers demand to have access to healthy food for continued health improvements. The Health Food Hub is potentially the full expression of a holistic system that has allowed her to get out of the exam room and into the lives of her patients to improve the well being of people, the economy and the planet.
*We do not want financial barriers to prevent anyone from attending this workshop. Please reach out to us about scholarship opportunities or to arrange a work share exchange at: info@urbangrowerscollective.org.
This event is part of a 3 part herbal remedies series! Check out the other events:
Tincture Making (Saturday September 28) https://www.facebook.com/events/566599657413209/
Slaves (Saturday October 12) https://www.facebook.com/events/483686355544189/
Elixirs as Medicine (Saturday November 9th) https://www.facebook.com/events/803133383422727/