Community Organization Activities Politics

Town Hall Forum 7th & 8th Ward Forum at Calvary Cultural Center Jan 15, 2019

I am so glad that I had the opportunity to hear these candidate speak. Please excused the my voice on some of these clips…”Didn’t realize how strong my mic was because I usually say nothing. The last clip was done with my cellphone.”


Introductions: of Self What your proposal would be to move the community forward as a community agenda? What specific legislation you would introduce to move your community agenda into actionable government policy? Financial Perspective or Agenda Statements by Candidates Questions From The Audiences: Why should we elect you not your opponent? Charles Kyle-due to your degree in Biology could you comment on how Chicago is working on Environmental issues? Easterly-stated that you could bring resident back to the ward ….How would she bring them back? Hudson-Tribune-Identify the condition why you would be in favor for a Casino? Brown-Tribune-How should CBS respond to shrinking enrollment? Everyone- Do Park Needed? What can be done and what should have been done by our current leaders to keep stores such as Target and Marshall on the Southside? Should Tiff contine or Phase out and give reason? 8th Ward Only- How do you plan to address the community agenda for summer jobs for our high school and college students including summer internship? How are these resource going to be communicated to the residents? Everyone-What is your plan for reducing violence crime? Hudson- How can we bring mental health services back to our community? How do you plan to bring jobs to the community? What are some of the alternative tax solutions? Closing Statements

Linda Hudson-8th Ward Call (312) 625-8224

Jedidiah Brown- 7th Awaiting

Charles Kyle-7th Ward

Jewel Easter-Smith-8th Ward Call (312)593-3439