Claretian Associates is Partnering with I Am We to South Chicago Youth!
Message from I Am We Executive Board Member, Latisha Thomas

I Am We has partnered with Claretian Associates to offer visual and digital storytelling to youth living in South Chicago. We are excited about this endeavor to fill a gap where youth have limited access to art, literacy development, mentorship and team building programs. This featured photo is special to us, as when the girls (in photo) walked in the community room, they didn’t know what to expect. However, they were given an assignment that reflected their perceptions of the program, and what they had hoped to gain. Minutes later, they were smiling, learning together, problem solving, and eventually created a piece of art that they had the opportunity to present and discuss. This is the power of art, storytelling and creating safe spaces where youth can be given the tools to express themselves, learn and prepare for positive leadership.
I want to take this moment to thank all of our supporters, amazing volunteers, Associate Board and Leadership, as this work could not be possible without you. Finally, I want to thank Claretian Associates and their commitment to empowering youth.