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Lost Boyz Winter Clinic (Baseball Team)

Winter Clinic Updates

Each year, Winter Clinic gets better and better. With the CYC Rebecca K. Crown Youth Center’s continued partnership, we were able to serve youth right in the community. This season, our program had an impact on 42 youth boys and girls, ages 8-17.

See below for data on our Winter Clinic program!

  • We’ve held 29 sessions with each participant spending 58 hoursover the course of 8 weeks practicing baseball and exercising
  • 92% of parents surveyed agreed with the statement, “Being involved in Lost Boyz helped prevent my child from being influenced by street gangs, violence, or any other negative activities as this program provided a safe indoors option and motivational guidance.”
  • 77% of parents surveyed agreed with the statement, “By participating in Winter Clinic, my child exercised more than he/she normally would have.”