Congresswoman Kelly reintroduces bill to protect seniors
from scam artists preying on COVID fears
Washington, D.C. –Congresswoman Robin Kelly has reintroduced The Protecting Seniors From Emergency Scams Act (H.R. 446), legislation that directs the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to report to Congress on the number and types of scams targeting seniors during the coronavirus pandemic and make recommendations on how to prevent scams targeting seniors during the pandemic and future emergencies.
Congresswoman Kelly reintroduced the bipartisan legislation with Congressman Troy Balderson, (R-OH).
Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) have reintroduced a companion bill (S.15) in the Senate.
“Our senior citizens have borne the brunt of this pandemic. Now, scammers are shamelessly targeting older Americans and preying on their COVID-19 fears,” Congresswoman Kelly said. “We have a moral obligation to stop these con artists by empowering seniors with facts and information while aggressively targeting criminals with all the resources available through the Federal Trade Commission.”
“Throughout the pandemic, uncertainty has led to many Ohioans falling victim to scam callers – especially vulnerable populations like seniors,” Congressman Balderson said. “We have a responsibility to stop bad actors like these scam artists in their tracks, and that starts with empowering the American people with information about known scam calls.”
“We must ensure that seniors are not being taken advantage of during the coronavirus pandemic. All Americans deserve safety and dignity, yet new fraudulent schemes designed to target seniors appear frequently,” Senator Klobuchar said. “This bipartisan legislation will help protect seniors from fraud during this public health crisis and prevent emergency-related scams in the future.”
The Protecting Seniors From Emergency Scams Act directs the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to report to Congress on the number and types of scams targeting seniors during the coronavirus pandemic and make recommendations on how to prevent scams targeting seniors during the pandemic and future emergencies. The bill also directs the FTC to update its web portal with information on scams targeting seniors to allow consumers to search for scams by region and access contacts for law enforcement and adult protective service agencies. It also directs the FTC to work with media outlets and law enforcement agencies to distribute this information to seniors and their caregivers.
The FTC partners with groups to share information on scams, including AARP, Better Business Bureau, State Attorneys General’s offices, the Department of Justice, Congressional offices, and the National Association of Consumer Advocates.
Last Congress, H.R. 7699 was included in H.R. 2610, the Stop Senior Scams Act, which passed the House on 11/17/20.
The bill is endorsed by the AARP, Elder Justice Coalition, American Society on Aging and National Adult Protective Services Association.

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