Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus
Town Hall Meeting
Avalon Park Advisory Council
1215 E 83rd St,
(312) 747-6015
Bradley/Pine Park Advisory Council
9729 S Yates Blvd,
(312) 747-6022
Bessemer-Schafer Park Advisory Council-Boxing Ring
3rd Wednesday at 5pm
8930 S Muskegon Ave,
Don Nash Advisory Council-indoor pool
1833 E 71st St,
(773) 256-0904
South Shore Cultural Center Advisory Council
7059 S South Shore Dr,
Ashe Park Advisory Council
2nd Tuesday, every two Months at South Shore Library
2505 E 73rd St,
Rainbow Beach Advisory Council
3111 E 77th St
Veterans’ Memorial Park Advisory Council
2820 E 98th St,
3rd Tuesday 6:30 pm
Rowan Park-Ice Rink
11546 S. Avenue L
James P. Fitzgibbons Historical Museum @ Calumet Park Field House
98th Street and Avenue G,
(312) 747-6039
Calumet Park-Art Craft, Sewing, and Wood Shop
South Shore Public Library
Avalon Public Library
Jeffery Manor Public Library
South Chicago Public Library
Vodak-East Public Library
Hegewisch Public Library
What is Calumet Connect?
Calumet Connect is a new community-based coalition that is working towards a vision that represents Southeast Side residents, businesses, community organizations, and other stakeholders for communities near the Calumet River from Lake Michigan to 106th St.
The project will:
-Seek to improve business development, outdoor recreation, and public health
-Promote local arts and culture
-Strengthen relationships and increase leadership opportunities with the community
Our goal is to ensure the community voices are developed so they can shape the City of Chicago’s streetscape design for Commercial Avenue and planning process for the Calumet River industrial corridor beginning in 2019.
Collaboration organizations include local partners: Claretian Associates, South Chicago Chamber of Commerce, Southeast Environmental Task Force, South Worx Art Group, and Major Taylor Cycling Club of Chicago, and regional partners: Chicago Public Art Group, Friends of the Parks, Illinois Public Health Institute, NeighborSpace, and UIC College of Nursing. Calumet Connect is facilitated by the Alliance for the Great Lakes, and UIC Great Cities Institute, and is funded by The Chicago Community Trust.
DivorceCare Hosted by Compassion Baptist Church
Friday, at 6:30 pm . Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. If you are, or someone, you know is separated or divorced, and have feelings of anger, guilt, loneliness, or bitterness – the program can help you to discover hope and experience healing through God’s Word. DivorceCare is a support groups led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. Contact Latisha Strong or Deborah Lane. 773) 933-2700 Location 2650 E. 95th Street, Chicago, IL 60617
Grief Consolation Care, Compassion Baptist Church
We welcome all who are grieving the loss of a loved one to join us monthly on the 2nd Sunday at 1:30 pm. If you are grieving the loss of a friend, family member or other loved ones, then you may be facing many deep emotions, so deep that you can’t untangle then all. We invite you to join our Consolation Support …
Chicago, IL 60617
The mission of ABJ Community Services, Inc. is to meet the physical, emotional, and social needs of families, children and senior citizens by offering effective health and human services. ABJ Community Services, Inc. provides the most versatile, professional, and supportive individual and group services possible to each client and the community. Services are offered without consideration to age, race, creed, color or religious affiliation.
These mechanisms for liberation are designed to encourage individuals at every economic level to set aside a portion of their own resources (i.e., ideas, money, supplies, strategies, energy, skills, and time) to support economic development, alternative education projects, arts and culture, health and human service programs, social justice, legal services, research, and emergency needs.
The mission of Centro de Trabajadores Unidos:United Workers’ Center is to have a powerful immigrant run organization on the Southeast Side of Chicago that will educate workers on their rights, develop leadership within the immigrant community, support and organize all workers as they fight for their rights in the workplace and fight for changing policy that increases standards for all workers. The long-term vision is to offer career advancement and training to workers.
Services: Mental Health, Legal Aid, Etc.
South Chicago Community Center-Free Workshops
8650 S Commercial Ave, Chicago, IL 60617
Real Men Cook Charities & Manifest:
Rebecca Crown Youth Center
7601 S. Phillips
Grassroots Movement for Social Emotional Learning (Laura Morgan) SEL is a long term solution toward prevention of the crime and violence epidemic that plagues our communities non-stop. To quote Bob Teague (1968) in his ‘Letters to a Black Boy,’ “Each man has to fight for what he believes in, for what he wants, in his own terms.”Surely, many of you feel overwhelmed with the level of violence in our city and feel there is no solution. How can we accept this hopelessness when our African-American ancestors didn’t and fought tirelessly for our freedom. Furthermore, how can we then lay down like cowards and let the negative elements rule our neighborhoods without a fight. We owe it to the children in the community to go the ends of the earth to figure out a solution to the crime and violence in our communities that threatened all of our very existence. Let’s top the bloodshed NOW!
We believe, that if SEL is implemented in the curricular of the schools, after-school programs, park district programs, church youth programs, etc., that eventually the skills the children learn will result in fewer incidences of crime and violence in the African-American community, especially crimes against the youth. SEL standards for all school districts in Illinois have been approved by the Illinois State Legislature and the Chicago Board of Education. Many suburban schools and a few CPS schools have already implemented SEL standards and have seen excellent results. However, SEL implementation is almost non-existent in the inner city neighborhood schools where crime and violence is most prevalent and plaqued with low performing schools, high dropout rates (especially among African-American males). The evidence indicate that children in schools with SEL feel more of a sense of being safe, therefore, academic learning improves. As adults it is our responsibility to ensure that the neighborhoods our children are reared in are safe.
The Neighborhood Network Alliance
The Neighborhood Network Alliance formerly known as the Southeast Side Block Club Alliance is a social network association formed in 2013 to organize and support local block clubs. By definition we consider block clubs to be networks. Networks are traditional block clubs, homeowners associations, tenant associations, condominium associations, housing co-op association and engage clubs or groups of neighbors (e.g. walking club, book club, or cooking club, etc.). Our mission is to start, re-activate, and strengthen active neighborhood…
Reclaim Southshore for All…Mia Henry, Brandi PH,Eric Allix Rogers
Stony Island Art Bank, Rebuild Foundation, Black Cinema House
6760 S Stony Island Ave,
Global Girls Inc. was incorporated in 2000 and has established itself as an engaging and often cutting-edge youth performing arts organization on the south side of Chicago. We provide a safe space where girls ages 8-18 learn communication, presentation and performance skills. Over 500 hundred girls participate annually in community and school based arts education initiatives, workshops and conferences.
Lost Boyz Inc.’s mission is to decrease violence, improve the social and emotional conditions, and provide financial opportunities among the youth in Chicago’s South Shore community. With baseball training and competitive participation as our core drivers, our mission is achieved through high-intensity mentoring, intervention, and social entrepreneurship activities. We also incorporate cultural awareness, service learning, and civic engagement. We use this combination of programming and direct interaction to positively and permanently impact the lives of school age youth, resulting in life-altering character development and improved decision making.
SkyART is unique for being the only free, openly accessible art center in the City of Chicago. We offer a broad range of visual art programs to young people ages 5-24 at our SkyART Studios in South Chicago, in our growing network of partnering schools, and with various community partners in and around Chicago’s South Side. Studio Programs are defined by our innovative approach, the SkyWAY, which is a shift in perspective blurring the lines of formal art education and focusing on the idea of art making as an inherently educational experience. School Programs include arts integration in the classroom and after school workshops for students as well as teachers and parents. Community Programs take place at facilities coordinated by other local organizations such as the Park District and Public Libraries that allow us to increase our reach.
ASE is a multicultural, interfaith coalition of churches, schools, businesses, and community organizations, all working together to address the challenges facing the neighborhoods of Southeast Chicago. Formerly the Alianza Leadership Institute, we have grown from our beginnings as series of leadership skills workshops to a powerful network with over 40 community partners representing thousands of people. “US. Steel South Works CBA” & Youth Leadership Advisory.
Claretian Associates carries on a rich and collaborative tradition of responding to the needs of South Chicago and its surrounding communities by providing affordable housing and vital services that benefit the safety and wellbeing of our residents and families.
Our Bold Goal: Focusing on youth between the ages of 8-26, by 2020, South Chicago will improve the safety of the community by reducing assault, battery, criminal sexual assault, and homicide by five
The SETF Mission
Our mission is to inform and educate all members of the southeast Chicagoland community, including residents, businesses, and leaders, in areas related to the improvement of our neighborhood’s environment. We strive for sustainable development of residential facilities, environmentally friendly and green business practices, and preservation of natural areas that improve the quality of life in the Calumet region.
South Deering Manor Community Association
Windsor Park Tech Girlz Workshops:
Connectivity makes a difference in many ways. In partnership with Leave No Veteran Behind and American Wide Broadband, Cambium Networks connected a Community Hub in the South Shore neighborhood in Chicago at Windsor Park Lutheran Church with high-speed wireless broadband and free WiFi. Since the network launched in 2016, the community has found ways to leverage the system to improve the lives of local residents.
While the system provides connectivity for job searching, homework, applying for services and video surveillance to provide a safe location, Cambium Networks employees recently extended the reach into the community.
- The Hub includes a food pantry with is part of the Greater Chicago Food Depository. As part of Cambium Networks’ seventh anniversary, employees in our Rolling Meadows office donated food to stock the pantry. Located in an area with no major food stores, this pantry is one of the largest distribution locations on Chicago’s South Side.
- Even better than providing free Wi-Fi, Cambium Networks team members showed young people how to install and configure a Wi-Fi access point (AP). TechGirlz is a nationwide organization that promotes technology among young women. 16 young people in the program attended the session that included unboxing, connecting, provisioning the AP and creating their own network with their own name and splash page. This simple session gave them the opportunity to explore and better understand the Wi-Fi and RF technology that is going to be a part of their lives. Regardless of their future, connectivity will be a part of their lives, and there is no better way to learn than with hands-on experience in a friendly environment.Wi-Fi and connectivity truly make a difference in peoples’ lives – both in the near term and over the long run.
We believe:
- All girls have a right to be part of the innovation economy.
- Diversity in tech is ultimately an economic issue: companies perform better and even thrive with a more diverse workforce, and more women in tech can address the industry’s workforce shortage.
- Technology is a creative skill. It conveys the right to create and requires technical skill channeled by vision, creativity and an understanding of the world around us. Girls should be embraced as valuable creative contributors.
- Girls learn differently. Science proves that engaging girls early and with different instruction enables them to prosper in technology. Instead of forcing girls into accepted methods of technology instruction, we are redesigning how technology is taught to girls.
- Community is critical. Leading by example allows girls to visualize their Path through technology and identify mentors – both male and female. We will work diligently to expand and connect this community on behalf of girls.
- Technology is more than coding. There are an infinite number of tech-related fields and careers – those like farming that can be advanced through an understanding of technology, or video game and software development that require marketers and designers to thrive. All perspectives help to advance technology as a discipline.
- It takes a community. No one person or group can offer a total solution to solve the gender gap in tech. We must all work together towards the common goal.
- The Path is worthwhile. While the obstacles to becoming a woman in tech – and then remaining a woman in tech – are innumerable, the journey is an important one that is ultimately fulfilling to both the individual and the larger community. We will continue to inform, educate and champion this Path to help make it easier on every girl that sets out upon it.
A Transformative Community Network and Planning Initiative
- To design and implement a Strategic Plan for the South Shore Transformation initiative within six months
- To activate 7 working groups around the South Shore Works transformation strategies within the first quarter
- To launch a robust community engagement strategy and involve a minimum of 200 residents in specific volunteer assignments within the first year
- To develop and implement a youth-young adult engagement training and placement program that puts 25% of targeted youth in jobs and/or out-of-school activities within the first year
- To test and evaluate youth entrepreneurship and neighborhood restoration jobs as a key pillar of community transformation over a 2 year period
- To engage the responsible agencies in revising public policies that are detrimental to the restoration of South Shore within 12 months
Mission & Organization
The BGA works for integrity, transparency, and accountability in government by exposing corruption and inefficiency; identifying and advocating effective public policy; and engaging and mobilizing the electorate to achieve authentic and responsible reform.
IIRON and The People’s Lobby’s Orientation
6th Grace Presbyterian Church, 600 East 35th Street, Chicago
Please click here to register for the orientation session.
This orientation session will provide an overview of who we are, what we believe and how we build power to win on issues. Come and find out how you can work with IIRON and The People’s Lobby to advance the issues from the MLK meeting that you care about.
Other upcoming events include a full day leadership training on the fundamentals of organizing on , and taskforce meetings on fracking and the environment, fighting austerity, winning good jobs, and ending mass incarceration. Click here for a full calendar and to register for other upcoming events.
David Hatch
Executive Director
p.s. If you haven’t already, will you make a donation today to support the work going forward? Please click here make a gift of $10 per month to sustain our work.
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c/o Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation
Chicago, IL 60637-3828
CivicLab is a new nonprofit enterprise dedicated to building, distributing and encouraging the use of new tools for civic engagement and government accountability. We intend to create a space and a place for activists to come together to share, educate and build tools for civic engagement. Our call to service is – Investigate. Educate. Activate. One of their Projects is:
The Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Report – You probably know that TIF’s sucked up $510 MILLION in Chicago property taxes in 2010. But you probably don’t know WHERE that money went and who got helped and who got hurt. Let’s find out. Calling all data hounds, civic coders, map makers, forensic accountants, fiscal policy wonks, good government geeks and neighborhood advocates – let’s pick one ward for a deep dive and really tell the whole TIF story for that community. More about TIFs here.
Community Contact: Sharon Louis of South Shore Sustainability Collaborative,NFP –
Where is your Money going, while we watch our Community declining everyday? Click Link below:
Review the 7th Ward TIF Illumination here –
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